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Go to AppControls page... AppControls

The AppControls is the set of over 82 top quality components for Borland Delphi and C++ Builder. Don't waste your time to make cosmetic features and great interfaces! Your programs will able to have additional custom buttons on the title bar / menu items in the system menu, have context-sensitive help without bulky help-files, lets your forms to dock on the screen edges (like taskbar panel), forms can be magnetized to desktop borders and be attached to other windows (like winamp player does), auto-upgrade itself from the Web when newest releases will available, upload and store additional files inside your Delphi/BCB forms, and a whole bunch of others great features! See Overview for more details.

Go to DiskControls page... DiskControls

Disk Controls is set of 22+ components that can make your life much easier if you developing software that works with disks (Hard / Floppy / CD / RAM / Network), shell and file system.

See Overview for more details.

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Page last updated: Nov 2, 2011 at 23:36. V: 11012