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Delphi and C++ Builder components
This section contains separate components of AppControls, for those who don't want to buy complete packages.


AnimationEffect component will add a smooth and extremely cool looking animation effects on opening and closing of your windows and dialog boxes. It draws animated frames based on mathematical matrixes.
Available effects: Spin, Vortex, ScatterGather, Spike, Fireworks.

Second (kind of bonus component) is the Win2kEffects, which allows to produce some special effects of the Windows 98 / 2000 (and higher). You can show roll, slide and alpha-blending animation effects on showing and hiding windows, make your forms translucent, flash the caption bars and taskbar icons.

License: Shareware - ORDER NOW!
Last updated: April 27, 2007
Compatibility: Delphi 2/3/4/5/6/7/2005/2006/2007, C++ Builder 1/3/4/5/6
Download: (514 Kb), Exe-demo (77 Kb)

The AppBar component lets your form to behave like an Application Desktop Toolbar — to dock on the edges of the screen like usual taskbar or MS-Office panel. Though appbars are usually docked on an edges of the user's screen, they also can float as usual windows.
When the AppBar is anchored to the screen edge, it can be automatically hidden from screen when other window activated and popup on screen again when user point the mouse to the thin line on screen edge. User can dock or undock the appbar just moving it with mouse pointer. All automatical movements of the appbar can be displayed with smooth sliding effect. Component contains a whole bunch of neat additional features, such like docking and sizing rules, float restrictions, registry saver, animation effects and so forth…

License: Shareware - ORDER NOW!
Last updated: September 2, 2007
Compatibility: Delphi 2/3/4/5/6/7/2005/2006/2007, C++ Builder 3/4/5/6
Download: (814 Kb), Exe-demo (81 Kb)
AutoUpgrader The AutoUpgrader component able to automatically upgrade from the Web any Delphi/BCB application. The AutoUpgrader will check your website for the newest releases of your software and, if the newest versions is available - it will download and upgrade your application “on the fly”, without restarting of the computer and even without manual program restart.
With AutoUpgrader your customers will always have and use only latest versions of your software!

License: Shareware - ORDER NOW!
Last updated: April 27, 2007
Compatibility: Delphi 2/3/4/5/6/7/2005/2006/2007, C++ Builder 3/4/5/6
Download: (932 Kb), Exe-demo (? Kb)
  AutoUpgrader Pro!                


Advanced AutoUpgrader component (see above), which allows to create auto-upgradable software without a SINGLE LINE of code! It contains built-in Application Update Wizard (screenshot #1), built-in multi-language support (it automatically recognize language used on user's PC and show all messages in native language (screenshot #2)). Current version automatically translates all wizard's content to 13 languages: English, Spanish, German, French, Russian, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Danish, Chinese (both), Estonian and Ukrainian. However, if you don't want to use built-in Wizard, you can make customized progress-dialogs using numerous events.

If you store newer version of your program in password protected Web directories, you can pre-configure the username/password to access files, or let the AutoUpgrader to prompt login information from user when it's necessary (screenshot #3).

With AutoUpgrader your customers will use only latest versions of your software. Package contains two bonus components from AppControls pack: acHTTP (WinInet-based HTTP client which also supports file uploading, introduced in RFC1867, Internet Explorer's cache etc. See also WinHTTP.) and acThread (easy to use thread component which also works on AcitveForms of D6 and D7).

License: Shareware - ORDER NOW!
Last updated: September 4, 2007
Compatibility: Delphi 2/3/4/5/6/7/2005/2006/2007, C++ Builder 3/4/5/6
Download: (3438 Kb), Exe-demo (191 Kb)
CaptionButton The CaptionButton component applies an additional custom button to the title bars of your forms + special menu item associated with this caption button to the system menu. Contains a lot of customization features such like a popup menus, multiple button states, custom tooltips, custom cursors etc.

License: Shareware - ORDER NOW!
Last updated: April 27, 2007
Compatibility: Delphi 2/3/4/5/6/7/2005/2006/2007, C++ Builder 1/3/4/5/6
Download: (659 Kb), Exe-demo (84 Kb)




The CaptionButton component applies an additional custom button to the title bars of your forms + special menu item associated with this caption button to the system menu. Contains a lot of customization features such like a popup menus, multiple button states, custom tooltips, custom cursors etc.

Package contains four additional components, successors of CaptionButton:
 1.   FormTopmost — controls Z-order of your forms and allow you to place your form over other windows. May apply additional button on the form's title.
 2.   FormRoller — allows to reduce or expand (roll up / down) your Delphi/BCB forms without minimizing them to taskbar or system tray. May apply additional button on the form's title bar.
 3.   TrayIcon — handy component for manipulating the system tray icons in the taskbar status area. Allow to use the animated icons and contains the number of great features such like additional caption button on form's title bar and menu item in the system menu. Contains many others properties which allow you to associate your forms with tray icons without ANY line of additional code!
 4.   AppAutoRun — allows to execute your application on every Windows startup. Unlike others similar components have additional features such like starting your app as NT service, showing message on Windows logon and fires special event if program started automatically. May add caption button on the title bar.

License: Shareware - ORDER NOW!
Last updated: April 27, 2007
Compatibility: Delphi 2/3/4/5/6/7/2005/2006/2007, C++ Builder 1/3/4/5/6/2006
Download: (1674 Kb), Exe-demo (103 Kb)


The CronJob component is the thread-based alarm implementation for Delphi/BCB which acts like cronjob utility in Unix. The component produces periodical OnAlert events by schedule specified in CRON format (actually it uses extended CRON format with new "seconds" field, to let the event to be triggered even every second).

To specify the moments when the component should trigger the OnAlert event, the component uses the CRON format (all who worked in Unix must be aware about this utility, this is daemon of scheduled, periodically executed tasks). The authors of CronJob component has very liked an idea of describing the periodical events of any complexity, tiered to astronomical time, in simple text string. We have used slightly modified CRON format, added seconds field and altered the rules of describing the lists of numbers.

The package includes 2 bonus components:
  • AccurateTimer — thread-based timer which periodically triggers the OnTimer events by specified Interval, but unlike standard TTimer, which based on Win32API and thus loses timer messages on high application overload, this timer runs in the separate thread and accurately triggers each OnTimer event at right time. It also allows to specify the Interval with higher precision (less than 55msec, limited in Win9x) and does not dependent to the system-wide limitations.)
  • AwayTimer — monitors user activity and increase its time counter when keyboard and mouse are inactive (user distracted from PC or goes away). Also it triggers special event when system is about to start the screensaver, or after some defined period of user inactivity.
License: Shareware - ORDER NOW!
Last updated: April 27, 2007
Compatibility: Delphi 2/3/4/5/6/7/2005/2006/2007, C++ Builder 1/3/4/5/6/2006
Download: (461 Kb)

The FileStorage component capable to upload and hold any data files within your Delphi/BCB forms (within the body of the EXE-program). If your software requires any additional files (.DLL's, WAV's, .TXT's etc), these files could be uploaded straight onto your form and be extracted from executable file at run-time. Also you can access to stored files directly from memory without extracting them to disk. With FileStorage you can supply your customers with just one executable file!
Package contains bonus component, WavPlayer, which able to upload Wave sounds onto your forms and play them at run-time.

License: Shareware - ORDER NOW!
Last updated: April 27, 2007
Compatibility: Delphi 2/3/4/5/6/7/2005/2006/2007, C++ Builder 3/4/5/6/2006
Download: (746 Kb)
FormHelp The FormHelp component adds the context-sensitive help features to your Delphi/BCB forms without any bulky help files. It traps the context-sensitive help calls and creates its own popup windows from a control's hint. You can choose whether to interpret the hint string as plain text or as kind of rich text allowing you to apply different fonts colors, styles and line breaks. Don't worry about your hints — FormHelp uses the secondary part of a control's hint that is separated by a vertical bar "|". Mouse hints still works as well. With FormHelp, neither help context numbers nor extra help files are required to display context sensitive help. FormHelp's popup windows looks and feels like native context help in standard Windows applications.
For easement of context-help developing, component contains a WYSIWYG help designer (drop FormHelp onto your form and try to edit secondary part of Hint property of any visible control like TButton, TCheckBox or TGroupBox) and may have an additional button on form's title bar.

License: Shareware - ORDER NOW!
Last updated: April 27, 2007
Compatibility: Delphi 2/3/4/5/6/7/2005/2006/2007, C++ Builder 3/4/5/6/2006
Download: (1506 Kb), Exe-demo (103 Kb)
FormHints The FormHints component applies the balloon-like hints for your controls instead of regular, rectangular hints. You may specify the default balloon direction, text alignment, degree of transparency and other features that affect on hint appearance. One component changes hint appearance for all form's of entire application.

License: Shareware - ORDER NOW!
Last updated: April 27, 2007
Compatibility: Delphi 2/3/4/5/6/7/2005/2006/2007, C++ Builder 1/3/4/5/6/2006
Download: (316 Kb), Exe-demo (100 Kb)
FormMagnet The FormMagnet allows to magnetize your forms to an edges of screen / work area, borders of parent window and to other forms. Forms can glue each others, so when user moves the form, others, “glued” forms will be moved too. With FormMagnet, your forms can looks and feels like windows of famous WinAmp player.

With FormMagnet forms obtains following abilities:
  1.   to be attracted to edges of screen or work area (considering placement of task / appbars);
  2.   to be attracted to borders of parent form (for child windows);
  3.   to attract other forms (with FormMagnet on them) to itself;
  4.   to glue other forms to itself (when user move form, others, attached forms will be moved too);
  5.   to move forms, dragging by client area.

License: Shareware - ORDER NOW!
Last updated: April 27, 2007
Compatibility: Delphi 2/3/4/5/6/7/2005/2006/2007, C++ Builder 1/3/4/5/6/2006
Download: (300 Kb), Exe-demo (90 Kb)
IESniffer The IESniffer monitors all running instances of Internet Explorer (or just some certain browser window(s)), sniffs the URL address from address line and gives an access to all their properties, methods and events (without implementing/installing ANY Browser Helper Objects). The component can work either in stand-alone application or can be put to Explorer Toolbar written with Delphi/BCB. The IESniffer allows
   list the URLs which currently are available in the address lines of each browser window, and to be notified when the address changes;
   detect when new Internet Explorer window appears and when user close the window;
   hook each event of the Internet Explorer, modify its properties and call their methods, just like you are using usual TWebBrowser component;
   retrieve and modify the content of each page (its text, tags, links, images etc), for example you may highlight some text, remove or change the text, tags etc;
   automatically fill the Web forms;
   redirect navigation to different URL when some keywords are detected in the address line;
   automatically redirect searches from default MSN to another specified search engine (it works when user enters search terms right in address line without specifying correct address);
   prevent popup windows to be opened, and so on…

License: Shareware - ORDER NOW!
Last updated: April 27, 2007
Compatibility: Delphi 5/6/7/2005/2006/2007, C++ Builder 5/6/2006
Download: (1051 Kb), Exe-demo (175 Kb)
SendMail The SendMail is Delphi/BCB component, used for sending e-mail messages via SMTP servers. The messages can be either in plain text or HTML format, contain attachments or embedded images for HTML contents. You can use the SendMail for dispatching of messages by mailing lists, specifying multiple recipients.

The package contains TextTemplateConverter component, bonus utility which translates some specified %keywords% inside the text into some specified values. It can be used as plug-in for SendMail component to replace some keywords in the email templates (like %recipient_email% or %sender_name%) to their actual values.

License: Shareware - ORDER NOW!
Last updated: April 27, 2007
Compatibility: Delphi 2/3/4/5/6/7/2005/2006/2007, C++ Builder 3/4/5/6/2006
Download: (967 Kb), Exe-demo (165 Kb)
TreeComboBox The TreeComboBox is the combo-box with TreeView in its drop-down window. So user will able to see the tree-like structure in, select the tree nodes (expand and collapse them), instead of selecting the items in huge list.

Like in standard TreeView, the TreeComboBox can display images for each tree node, show image in editor, accept the selection either on one or double click, contains the label attached to control, customizeable image for button + many other neat features, result of combination of ComboBox and TreeView.

The package contains couple of bonus advanced edit controls.

License: Shareware - ORDER NOW!
Last updated: April 27, 2007
Compatibility: Delphi 2/3/4/5/6/7/2005/2006/2007, C++ Builder 3/4/5/6/2006
Download: (1542 Kb), Exe-demo (104 Kb)
UnixCrypt The UnixCrypt component is the ultra fast crypt implementation for Delphi/C++ Builder. It works exactly as crypt(key, salt) Unix comand (one-way encryption algorithm), which used to encrypt passwords in .htpasswd files in password protected Web directories.

License: Shareware - ORDER NOW!
Last updated: April 27, 2007
Compatibility: Delphi 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/2005/2006/2007, C++ Builder 1/3/4/5/6/2006
Download: (260 Kb), Exe-demo (85 Kb)
WinHTTP The WinHTTP is easy to use WinInet-based HTTP client component which allows to post and get any data from the Web via HTTP protocol. With WinHTTP you can grab Web pages, download files and documents (or only their headers without the content), get results of the CGI programs (for example, results of web-based search engines / databases), or even upload files to the CGI programs.

In case if you want download documents from local intranet — just specify file:// prefix in the URL instead of http://.

The WinHTTP can download web content both in binary and text formats, supports cache of Internet Explorer, can resume broken downloads, read data from password protected directories and supports basic proxy authentication scheme. Also it can be used in ActiveX forms, for example to build Web-based installations.

Note WinHTTP includes WinThread component as bonus.
Note WinHTTP included to AutoUpgrader Pro package.

License: Shareware - ORDER NOW!
Last updated: April 27, 2007
Compatibility: Delphi 2/3/4/5/6/7/2005/2006/2007, C++ Builder 3/4/5/6/2006
Download: (1227 Kb), Exe-demo (92 Kb)
 Top 5 components
By sales statistics
1. AutoUpgraderPro
2. AppControls
3. WinHTTP
4. AutoUpgrader
5. DiskControls

By download statistics
1. AnimationEffect (3558)
2. AutoUpgrader (2688)
3. AppBar (2546)
4. AutoUpgraderPro (2270)
5. CaptionButtons (1862)

Note: Statistics available since 02/2001

Go to AppControls page... AppControls
Did you know that AppControls pack contains ALL components listed on this page ?

The Advanced Application Controls (AppControls) is the set of over 80 top quality components for Borland Delphi and C++ Builder. The package contains everything that you need to add smooth and truly professional appearance to your software and make development of great interfaces really rapid! All for those you usually spent days, or even weeks of hard coding now you will be able to make for a few minutes of mouse clicking. :-)

Components Overview

Go to DiskControls page... DiskControls

Disk Controls is set of 24+ components that can make your life much easier if you developing software that works with disks (Hard / Floppy / CD / RAM / Network), shell and file system.

The package facilitate in work with files, folders and drives, contains two advanced search engines, several components that provides you detalied information about disks and file system, installs / uninstalls the shell extensions, performs useful shell operations. See Overview for more details.

 Available sharwares
1. AnimationEffect
2. AppBar
3. AutoUpgrader
4. AutoUpgrader Pro
5. CaptionButton
6. CaptionButtons
7. CronJob
8. FileStorage
9. FormHelp
10. FormHints
11. FormMagnet
12. IESniffer
13. SendMail
14. TreeComboBox
15. UnixCrypt
16. WinHTTP

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