ToBCC property
SendMail component.
property ToBCC: String;
The ToBCC property used to specify recipients of the message which addresses should NOT be visible in the message header. This is field known as blind carbon-copy and only the message sender knows to whom the message was sent. All e-mails used in ToBCC will be hidden and recipients will NOT see these e-mail addresses.
The value of ToBCC property must have following format:
"Name1" <address1>; "Name2" <address2> , "NameN" <addressN>
The name of the recipient marked blue (must be between quotes ("), i.e: "John Smith"). You can leave the name blank and use just email address;
E-mail address of recipient marked green (must be between brackets "<>", i.e: <>).
Multiple recipients should be separated by semicolon (;) or comma (,).
"John Smith" <>, <>, <>
"Aleksey Kuznetsov" <>; "Webmaster" <>
Alternatively, if you wish to specify multiple recipients, you can use ToCC property (visible carbon-copy).
Please don't use brackets (< and >) in the "Name" fields (between quotes). Otherwise the address will be parsed incorrectly. For example, following address will be parsed incorrectly!!:
"John<g> Smith" <>
However, the parser is smart enough to parse definitions like these:
"John Smith, Inc;" <>
"Smith, "A" John" <>
ToAddr and ToCC properties.