Hierarchy Properties Methods Events |
The acFormPlacementSaver component saves and restores the form placement and Z-order from system registry.
Just drop this component onto your form and component will remember form's placement on each new program restart
To enable or disable the placement saver's features - use Enabled property. The location in the system registry can be specified by RegKey and RegLocation properties. If you don't want to save form size (for example, you are using non-resizeable window) make RestoreFormSize property False. To save form placement "manually" use Save method.
If you would like to load or store some additional settings when the acFormPlacementSaver stores and loads the information write the OnLoadSettings and OnSaveSettings event handlers.
You can use the acFormPlacementSaver together with previously configured Position property of your form.
When the acFormPlacementSaver can not find the placement information in the registry (in example, on first program startup), it will use pre-configured placement, specified in the Form.Position property. If the placement information has been found on startup, acFormPlacementSaver will use position saved to the registry.