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TacFormHookComponent = class(TacComponent)
procedure MessageBefore(var Message: TMessage; var Handled: Boolean); virtual;
procedure MessageAfter(var Message: TMessage); virtual;
procedure FormRecreate; virtual;
function GetParentHandle: THandle; virtual;
function GetSystemMenuHandle: hMenu; virtual;
constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure RefreshNCArea; // refreshes all non-client area of form
procedure ShowParentForm; // brings form to front and restores it if it was minimized
property Parent: TWinControl;
property ParentForm: TForm; // nil if parent is not form
property ParentHandle: THandle; // read-only
property SystemMenuHandle: hMenu; // read-only
property OldWndProc: Pointer; // read-only
property WindowStyle: LongInt;
property WindowExStyle: LongInt;
property Topmost: Boolean;
property TopmostDesign: Boolean; // read-only
The TacFormHookComponent class hooks all Windows messages (WM_xxx) that passes to the Delphi/BCB forms and let you process these messages by hooking MessageBefore and MessageAfter protected routines. By hooking the FormRecreate procedure you can be notified after recreationg of the form's window handle.
MessageBefore | Hooks all windows messages, before they will passed to default message handler. If you have processed this message and do not want to pass it to default message handler, set Handled parameter True. See also OnMessageBefore event of TacFormHook component.
MessageAfter | Hooks windows message after their processed by default message handler. See also OnMessageAfter event of TacFormHook component.
FormRecreate | The FormRecreate routine hooks the recreation of form's window handle (for example, after changing of the BorderStyle or FormStyle property values). Modify the FormRecreate handler to restore necessary form styles and hooks after recreation of your form. See also OnFormRecreate event of TacFormHook component.
GetParentHandle | Function returns the window handle of the owner form (or owner control). Usually it returns window handle of owner control, however, if the owner is a form with FormStyle = fsMDIForm, it returns client handle (handle of client area).
GetSysemMenuHandle | Returns handle of the system menu of the owner form, or NULL if the owner is not a form.
RefreshNCArea | Method repaints all non-client parts of window (i.e: frames, caption buttons etc).
Parent | Returns and changes the pointer to the owner form or owner control. At once after changing the parent, component will hook messages of another, specified control. Please change this property with caution, because some successors of TacFormHookComponent could not work without form;
ParentForm | Returns and changes the pointer to the owner form. Returns NULL if the owner is not a form;
ParentHandle | Read-only property. Returns same value as GetParentHandle routine in "protected" section. Note that Parent of TacFormHookComponent must be always TWinControl or its successor (see TacComponent);
SystemMenuHandle | Read-only. Returns same as GetSystemMenuHandle routine in "protected" section;
OldWndProc | Pointer to the previous, hooked message handler;
WindowStyle | Determines and / or changes a window style (same as GetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_STYLE));
WindowExStyle | Determines and / or changes an extended window style (same as GetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE)).
Topmost | Returns True if owner form is "stays on top". This property is published in the acFormTopmost, acFormHook, acFormMagnet and acAppBar components.
TopmostDesign | Determines the pre-designed value of Topmost property (used internally).
TacComponent, TacHFormHookComponent, TacAppHookComponent classes and acFormHook component.