TacCheckGroupBox component
Hierarchy Properties Events |
The acCheckGroupBox component is an easy way to implement to your forms a group box with a checkbox instead of usual caption. When the checkbox is checked, all controls within a group box is enabled. When user uncheck the checkbox, all controls withing a group became automatically disabled.
BoxAlignment | Controls placement of checkbox relatively to the caption. By default, checkbox is left-aligned. When the BoxAlignment is taRightJustify, the checkbox will be displayed to the right of text;
Caption | Specifies a text string on the caption of checkbox;
Checked | Indicates whether a checkbox is selected;
Ctl3D | Determines whether a groupbox and checkbox above has a three-dimensional (3-D) or two-dimensional look;
State | Determines the various states a check box (checked, unchecked or grayed).
OnCheckBoxClick | occurs when user clicks the checkbox above the group box, or when the Checked property is changed.
acCheckBox component.